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I am an Energy Alignment Practitioner; working with the Energy Centre's within your body called Chakras. All beings have Chakras & it's these Energy Centres that I work with; I work to realign any of these Energy Centres that may be out of kilter thereby bringing about a greater sense of balance & wellbeing. Or you can choose to just come for some pampering & relaxing 'me time'!

To get the most from these treatments, it's usually recommended that you have 4 sessions over the space of a month to maximise the benefits.

All sessions start with a consultation; details such as the name of your Dr, a list of any symptoms/illnesses & any medications is required, what your diet & lifestyle are like, what your past & present physical, mental & emotional wellbeing is like. To name just a few! The more details you can provide, the better! We will then discuss what your hopes & concerns are & what you wish to get your from your session(s).

Once this is part of the session is complete, I will then work with the Energy Centre's within your body; called Chakras. All beings have Chakras & it's these Energy Centres that I work with; I work to realign any of these Energy Centres that may be out of kilter thereby bringing about a greater sense of balance & wellbeing.

Sessions usually last approx. 1-2hrs (including the consultation process) however, each person & each session is very unique & you & your body will dictate how long it lasts. It may take awhile to settle into it, or you may take to it immediately.  It's important that you don't do any strenuous work or exercise before or immediately after your session & that you drink water for the remainder of that day to help your body detox anything that needs removing following the session.

As well as the Energy that I work with, my psychic/mediumship skills usually play a part during the treatment; I might get a message from a loved one or I might get a "feeling" in relation to you/your body & with your permission, I can communicate anything I get during your session, with you afterwards; not every person or every session will result in any of these communications but if they do, I can share them with you, or keep them to myself depending on your preference.   

For a more detailed explanation or if you have any questions relating to these Energy Alignment sessions, please get in touch.

As well as the treatments I offer for humans, I also offer a wide range of sessions for your pets too; for more information on these, please click on the below button.

Treatments for You: Services


I use Zephorium products during your sessions** which help to aid the Energy work but they also create a great sense of peace & enhance the tranquil environment for your treatments!

** Zephorium products will not be used on anyone who is, or think they might be pregnant.

Treatments for You: Welcome
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