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Massage Therapy for Dogs

Just like us, dogs suffer from muscle aches, pains & strains. However, their inability to let us know when something is wrong & the fact that most dogs are stoic when it comes to pain, can make it harder for us owners to realise that they're suffering with any joint or muscular issues. 

But when the way they walk, jump off the sofa, clamber up on your bed &/or their behaviour changes, can all be indicators that they're experiencing pain. And pain isn't just for the elderly dog! Young dogs who are a little too enthusiastic can easily pull or strain muscles too!

So if your dog is experiencing pain &/or stiffness, if they are rehabilitating from surgery or any other treatment, then they may well benefit from a hands on massage treatment.

Additionally I can help advise you with some warm up & cool down methods for your dog (we wouldn't go for a run without them & they're equally, if not more so, beneficial to our 4 legged best friends!) & I can advise you on making adjustments to your home when you're helping an aged or rehabilitating dog get around the house & in & out of the car.

These sessions will take place in the dog's home* so as to best help them with the rehabilitation & so that I can best advise on any adjustments to the home or car.

*An additional fee may be required, depending on your location. When filling in the 'Contact Me' section of this website, please ensure you include your postcode.

Massage - Dogs: Services
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